showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsauthor(s)
Mega-lo-Mania Ubi Soft (Sensible Software)1991 acrossages godgame missionbased resourceharvesting labelimageminimize
Populous Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1989 addons collective godgame leveleditor naturaldisasters populous labelimageminimize
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1991 collective godgame grecoroman grecoromanmythology populous Alex Trowers (level design)
Charles Callet (sound fx)
Gary Carr (graphic)
Glenn Corpes (program)
Glenn Corpes (level design)
Kevin Donkin (level design)
Les Edgar (sound fx)
Paul McLaughlin (graphic)
Peter Molyneux (program)
Sean Cooper (level design)
The Sentinel  Firebird1988 gameplayinn godgame Geoff Crammond